Device static and dynamic vulnerability analysis
Firmware is the core of any IoT or embedded systems device. At the IoT security lab, our experts perform static and dynamic firmware analysis using state-of-the-art tools like ThingzAnalyzer (available at and the ThingzAnalyzer Box. We also conduct hardware vulnerability assessments, identifying potential security threats in open hardware ports.
Users can access our free firmware scan tool to get detailed cyber security reports on vulnerabilities, threat levels, and configurations, ensuring comprehensive cyber security solutions.
This service uses our proprietary audit tool for firmware extraction and vulnerability assessment, identifying key components such as binaries and third-party libraries prone to cyber attacks. We provide a comprehensive cybersecurity report with detailed vulnerability analysis aligned with the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Our firmware security analysis includes actionable recommendations and proofs-of-concept to help device vendors enhance the security of IoT device firmware, reducing exposure to security threats and improving network security.
Our service includes identifying run-time vulnerabilities in IoT firmware without physical device access. Our IoT security experts conduct comprehensive dynamic analysis of the firmware to uncover security weaknesses. We provide detailed reports on communication traffic behavior, system calls of binaries, and more. This vulnerability assessment ensures robust cyber security solutions for IoT devices, helping protect against potential cyber threats.